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Mesher Order explained

What is A Mesher Order also known as an ‘order for deferred sale’?

This is an order of a family court that enables the family home to remain in the couple’s joint names pending the triggering of an event. The order of this nature is available at the divorce settlement stage, sometimes known as the ancillary relief stage, where the couples are collated and shared. 

When the triggering event occurs, the couples will sell the property, with proceeds of sale divided. 

Examples of events that can trigger the end of a mesher order: 

  1. Death of the occupying partner 
  2. When the children leave home 
  3. The youngest attaining the age of 18
  4. The remarriage of the occupying partner or cohabitation of the occupying partner.

At Adel Jibs & Co Solicitors, we know that divorce is highly complicated, and that is why our specialist divorce solicitors in Edmonton will help you through the process and ensure that you receive the best outcome.

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The information given here is intended for general information purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice



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